Thursday, 28 April 2011

Main Post 10

To start off the editing we had to set up a new Adobe Premiere Pro Project and log all of our raw footage, then as a group we set up a word document to log our rushes, we presented this piece of work as a table which consisted of the INT and OUT code, the scene and shot numbers and how many takes this took us with a last column showing which scenes would be used. Underneath is our groups logging rushes table:

Next we had to batch capture, only the footage that we wanted, and create a rough cut of our film before we showed it to the focus group, this meant that the group had to cut the shots so they would fit together and run smothely, this included the continuity issues of the feet because in our project it consists of a lot of running and we needed to make sure the continuity ran smoothly. After a rough cut had been put together and played back to make sure it flowed correctly, we then had to find a soundtrack to play above the music, as a group it took us a reasonably long time to do, because as a group we all had different ideas as to what sort of music we wanted, after spending a lot more time than we originally wanted to picking music, we found a track called Ghostocolypse from an uncopywrite internet site called, which fitted our piece really well. Initially we were going to cut out all the background noise and just have the music and sound affects, but after watching the piece through we felt that we needed to keep some non digetic, because otherwise the piece sounded in some ways 'artificial'. 

As a group we then played the rough draft back through, to make sure it flowed correctly and where the shots had been cut together, the sound matched up to a certain extent. Once this had been completed and the clips had been put together, we then started to edit the sound, making sure all background noise was a lot quieter in contrast to the soundtrack and the sound wasnt too varied. To do this we used markers to highlight the noise that we wanted and putting these at the start and end of the highlighted piece of sound and moving the pitch up and down to the level we needed, we then played the clip we wanted back from a bit early on to make sure the sound flowed, we the carried this on throughout the whole piece.

After we had finished the editng so the opening sequence flowed, we then had to add in the titles, which included the actors names, our production company, the schools production company to show the collaboration, as well as the director, writer etc. After this we gathered a focus group together to view our title sequence and give our group feedback which we needed to act upon for our final opening title sequence.

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